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You can learn more about the ONE Archives and its history here. Belanger’s collected papers, as well as biographical information, can be found online and are a part of the ONE Archives at the USC Libraries. For an overview of his life, have a look at this post on the Gay Influence blog. Joseph John Belanger was born on Janu, in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Credit: Courtesy ONE Archives at the USC Libraries. Belanger in a photo booth photo (two of two), Hastings Park, Vancouver, British Columbia, 1953. To learn more about Joseph John Belanger, please explore the resources and links that follow below. Alfred Kinsey to trans rights activism before transgender rights were on anybody’s radar. had a big life that extended from the skies over Europe during World War II and the offices of the legendary Dr. But if we remember him at all, it’s only because of two images from a photo booth photo taken in 1953. Belanger in a photo booth photo (one of two), Hastings Park, Vancouver, Canada, 1953.

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